Questions about our Course


What is the format of your course?

Our course divided into 12 weeks and gives you all of the tools and practice to successfully pass the B2 First Cambridge exam. Each week you will have two live classes with us. You will also have masterclasses which are videos that focus on a specific part of the exam, some tricky grammar as it applies to the B2 First.  Finally you will practice all four parts of the B2 First Exam in a fun and dynamic way.


How long does the course take?

The course is 12 weeks long. If there are public holidays they will not count. Students will have access to new material on a weekly basis and will work in class and on their own on all the skills they need to pass the B2 First. 

Questions about the B2 First Exam

Is the first certificate hard?

If you are well prepared the B2 First will not be difficult however there are some tricky parts. When you sign up for a course with us we will prepare you to succeed. Students who take prep courses pass at a much higher rate than students who prepare for the exam on their own.

B2 First exam results for Spain in 2019
CountryGrade AGrade BGrade CB1Council of Europe Level B1Fail



Am I ready to take the first certificate?

The B2 First Exam covers reading and use of English, writing, listening, grammar, and speaking skills. To pass the exam you don´t need to get a passing mark on all four parts. The reading and Use of English section makes up 40% of the total score and listening, writing and speaking hold a weight of 20% each.


Before you sign up for a course with us we will assess your level of English and determine if you are ready to take the exam preparation course or another course. During the course you will get constant feedback on your progress. At the end of the 12 week course we will determine if you are ready for the exam.  

How much does the B2 First Exam cost?

That depends on the country and place where you will take the exam. In an exam center in Spain the price of the exam was 186€.


Make sure you are ready to do your best when you take the exam.

Where can I take the exam?

There are test centers around the world. When you sign up for our 12 week intensive prep course with us we will help you find a test center that works best for you. 


When can I take the B2 First Exam?

Fortunately there are many exam dates. In Spain you can check out exam dates here: (see page 6).  In any case when you sign up for a course with us we will take care of finding the correct time and place for you to take the exam!


How does the speaking exam work?

The speaking exam is done with two test takers and two examiners. One examiner will be speaking with you and the other one will mark your test. There are four parts to the speaking exam and it should take about 14 minutes.


In part one you will speak about yourself. The examiner will ask you about your likes and dislikes and ask you for your opinion on different matters.


In part two you will be shown a picture and will need to speak about it for about a minute. When you finish the examiner will ask your partner to comment on your photo. Then your partner will look at a different picture and talk about it and you will have to comment on it afterwards. The interlocutor (another word for examinerJ) will ask you and your partner questions and there will be headings at the top of the page to remind you what you need to speak about.  


In part three of the speaking exam you will work together with your partner and have a dialogue on based on some material the examiner gives you. Then you will have to make a decision based on the material. Again the examiner will ask you questions and guide your discussion and there will also be the questions written on what you need to speak about.


In part four of the B2 First you will speak in depth on related to a topic that was spoken about in part three of the speaking exam. You will have to express your opinion and make a decision with your partner.


In our course you will have 2 live classes a week which will focus, in large part, on the speaking exam. In addition you will be able to upload audio files to your students section where we can give you feedback. Practice makes perfect and we will give you plenty of it!


Do you have more questions about the exam?

This is a 7 page FAQ document prepared by Cambridge.


Do you have more questions about course?

Send us an email at